2024 Forum: May 14-16, 2024 – Saint Paul, Minnesota

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An original poem written by EcoAdapt’s Executive Director, Lara Hansen. Read at the 2024 event.

Bus Stop

While our elected officials
Have been driving planet Earth
Drunk on the campaign contributions
And fumes of fossil fuel dollars
Unconcerned about our destination

We ride on this lone conveyance
Having consulted the now faulty route map,
Paid our fair fare, and
Pulled the stop requested cord
To get off at 350th Street

But there is not response
No slowing toward the curb
Instead we speed up
Passing 400th
The windows blurring the apocalypse

Nearby Bernard tells whoever will listen
That the whole system perpetuates this disaster
While cousin Barbara yells
Stop the goddamn bus.

2022 Forum: October 25-27, 2022 – Baltimore, Maryland

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Pre-Forum Event Descriptions

2019 Forum: April 23-25, 2019 – Madison, Wisconsin

2017 Forum: May 9-11, 2017 – St. Paul, Minnesota

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2015 Forum: May 12-14, 2015 – St. Louis, Missouri

2013 Forum: April 2-4, 2013 – Denver, Colorado

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